Monday, February 23, 2009

MYOB #30 V-Day our way


We don't really succomb to the hype of valentines day and give each other a beer instead. We were able to get a bunch of like minded friends out to a few bars in the city and had a really good time.

We started off at Marvins on 14th and U in DC. These are the beers we sampled (or drank the whole glass)

#66 Troubador Obscura Mild Stout -(Belgium) This is a potent stout that tastes more like a russian imperial than a creamy irish stout. I hate to say more watery but that is what comes to mind. This beer was incredibly dark and had a rich malt flavor

#67 De Koninck Amber - (Belgium) Another excellent beer with a nice red color and strong flavor. It is a nice follow up to the the stronger stout with this lighter beer that was a little fruity tasting.

#68 Affligem Dubbel - (Belgium) Another dark rich beer from Belgium. I do not think this country can make a bad beer and I definately need to visit there soon. Ignore the Stella Glass and look at the great color of this malty flavored beer.

Beers 68
Countries 19
Continents 5

Cheers and More Beers!

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