Friday, February 13, 2009

MYOB #24 Lazy Saturday Night with Netflix and a beer


While watching "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" I enjoyed a couple of pints. The movie was very funny and the beers were good.

From this blog on I am going to change my number system to keep a running count.

#55 Tilburgs Dutch Brown Ale (Holland) - This was a nice beer with a good aroma a nice redish color and good flavor which is a little sweet.

#56 Old Rasputing Russian Imperial Stout (California) This beer is incredible. Super dark with nice brown head and a good amount of carbination. It is very strong, 9%abv, with a light feel and a good malty flavor. It is a great beer for sipping while watching a movie. You would not want to drink too many of these.

The label on this bottle is awesome so I had to add a closeup.

Beers 56
Countries 16
Continents 5
Cheers and more Beers!

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