Sunday, February 1, 2009

MYOB #19 A World Tour


So my buddy and I sat down to consume some beers from around the world while watching the last 4 episodes of battlestar Gallactica. I know it sounds like the perfect afternoon doesn't it. Well here is the lineup of what we consumed. Most of the time we split a beer just so we could taste a large variety of brews. My descriptions are going to be brief.

1. Ommegang Abbey Ale (NY) - This is a very malty very strong beer that would be better enjoyed with a meal than alone. It needs something to balance out it's strong taste.

2. Sam Smith Organic Ale (England)- A nice flavorful english ale.

3. Harviestoun Old Engine Oil Black Ale (Scotland) - As dark as it's name implies with a stout taste and slight lighter body.

4. Efes Pilsner (Turkey) - Not very good, it had a very chemical taste and a metallic flavor.

5. Sam Smith Organic Lager (England) - A lighter beer but with a good deal of flavor.

6. Saranac Black Forest (USA) - Bavarian style beer with a caramel flavor and red/black color. A very enjoyable beer.

7. Clipper City Peg Leg Imperial Stout (USA) - This packs a punch! A great tasting Russian style stout that will leave you wanting more from the first sip. A dark black color with a creamy brown head and a velvety feel. I like this beer but you can only have a few due to it's 8% alcohol kick.

8. Sarance Pale Ale (USA) - Anther good beer from Saranc. A nice flavored ale that is easy to drink.

9. Pacena (Bolivia) - A lighter beer with not much after taste. Not bad but I prefer more flavor.

10. Toohey New (Australia) - A nice lager, nto bad flavor. Not to bold or overwhelming.

11. Saranac Black and Tan (USA) - Saranac does it well when it comes to dark beers. This one had some great flavor. This is a combination of their stout and amber lager.

12. Tiger Lager (Thailand) - This is a favorite as it reminds me of my travels. A light beer that has good flavor and goes down easy in hot humid weather.

13. Lion Lager (Sri Lanka) - Not a bad lager. Light refreshing with a smooth finish.

Wow. I am tired and need some water. We shared these beers over about an 8 hour period and had two meals in between so it was not too bad. I really enoyed these beers and the mix of flavors and taste. In the future I would probably put more thought into the order in which I drank the beers to make it more of a true beer tasting .


Beers 43
Countries 14
Continents 5

Cheers and more Beers!

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