Sunday, February 1, 2009

MYOB #16 A New Way to look at this Quest


After much thought I have decided to change the course of this blog and will focus more on the beers and not on the drinking. I realized that this was becoming a record of how often I had a beer instead of a quest to try different beers from all of the world. From now on I will try to avoid repeating a beer. I have recently done some research and found that there are a few websites dedicated to this same type of quest, 365 different beers in a year, and they have rules. One of the rules is that drinking just 4 ozs counts as having tried a beer. Now my poker boys may have a problem with this but I can understand this rule. This allows for you to go to a brewpub and have a flight of beers and they all count. I am also adopting this rule but only for flights of beer. If I have a beer for it count I have to drink at least half. This will alow me to share a beer with a friend so we can both taste something unique and it will still count towards the total.

Besides this is my personal quest and I can do it how I like.

Cheers and more Beers!

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