Sunday, February 1, 2009

MYOB #17 Stone Brewing Company

When in Whole Foods today I was really excited to see Stone Brewing Company Beers proudly on display. My cousin works at the Brewery and sent me a cool pub shirt for Christmas. I bought the 3 beers they offerend and headed home.

After putting on my brewery shirt and consulting with my cousin as to the order I should drink these beers I opend my first ever Stone Beer. The Stone Smoked Porter is an amazing beer with a strong smoky taste, a velvety finish and gorgeous dark color. It is not as heavy as a stout but it is definately as creamy. I absolutely love this beer and would drink it over and over again. I am growing more and more partial to Porters.

The second beer was the Ruination IPA. This beer kicked my ass! It is by far and away the most bitter beer I have ever tasted yet I still liked it. The back of the bottle sums it up nicely "Stone Runination IPA. So called because of the immediate ruinous effect on your palete" It is absolutely incredible and will make other IPA's seem weak.

I have one more beer that I going to wait to try at a later date. The Arrogant Bastard Ale needs to be drank by itself and probably with some food. After the IPA I am not even sure if I would taste this beer so it will have to wait.

Beers 25
Countries 7
Continents 3

Cheers and more Beers!

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