Tuesday, February 10, 2009

MYOB #23 Beers from the back of the fridge


A small group a friends gets together every month for a rotating dinner party where everyone brings a dish. We usually have wine and beer and I thought I would take this opportunity to sample some new beers. At my friends house he had some of my favorites but they had already been on my list so I asked if he had anything else. A quick run to the gargage produced the following beverages. Not my first choice, or tenth, but to get to 365 beers I am going to have to try things I might not normally drink.

This blog could also have been called, "the tailgate party"

#1 Blue Moon Winter Ale - A brownish colored beer with a slight chemical tast and I just learned it is owned by Coors. Didn't know that.

#2 Miller Genuine Draft- This beer actually tasted ok. It is a light color with good flavor. If I am at a place that is full of mass market beers I will choose this one over the others.

#3 Corona - very light summer beer, needs lime to give it flavor and not so good when it is cold out. Not a fan of this beer or any beer this light.

While I drinking bland beer the others were drinking Black Box wine and apparently it was quite good.

#4 Miller Lite - Lite is not a word I light to associate with anything. If it needs to be a light beer you might as well have water. There is no real taste and I would never buy this. It is good for college kids looking to drink all night long. Oh and it was in a can too!

So I must admit that I am surprised that beer advocate had reviews of these beers and I was able to add them as links. Good for them for trying everything.


Beers 54
Countries 15
Continents 5

Cheers and more Beers!

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