Sunday, February 8, 2009

MYOB #21 Getting fitted for a Kilt


Every year Glasgow University holds a Burns Supper in honor of the famous poet and Scottish National Hero Robert Burns. In order to get the full effect of the event one must wear a kilt! So a group of us visited the Scottish Merchant Shop and were fitted for out kilts. This is an event in and of itself with lots of laughter and snide remarks.

After we went out for a couple of beers. This is a given when we get toghether. Around the corner at one of the local pubs I sampled a Virginia and a Delaware beer. Photos will be up as soon as they get emailed to me. I forgot my camera again.

The first beer was Starr Hill Amber Ale -(Virginia) This beer had a dark amber color and the taste of roasted malt. A nice tasting beer that I would drink again.

The next was Fordham Helles Lager - (Delaware) A lighter lager with a sweet first taste followed by a slighly bitter after taste. It has a nice wheat color with a good head.


Beers 47
Countries 15
Continents 5

Cheers and more Beers!

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