Friday, February 13, 2009

MYOB #25 Beer after a 14 mile run


After a very painful 14 mile run, I am training for my 6th marathon, I enjoyed some beers while relaxing on my running buddies couch. Oh the taste of a good cold beer after a long run. You really enjoy it.

#57 Stoudts Double IPA (Pennsylvannia) - A hoppy beer that tasted amazing while letting my aching body rest. I will probably have to try this one again when my system is not so taxed. Very good flavor and it hit the spot.

#58 Bells Porter (Michigan) - Porters are a thing of beauty! This dark beer with a chocolate malty flavor is incredible. It feels light on the tongue and has a light bitter aftertaste. This is one very drinkable beer and I highly recommend it.

#59 Cerveza Aguila (Colombia) - This is another beer from South America that is not good. It had a bitter taste and a chemical smell. I hate to admit this but I poured most of it out. Not good at all.

#60 Starr Hill Dark Starr Stout (Virginia) - A very dark beer with a dark brown head. It had a hint of coffee and chocolate taste. The flavor was overall good and did not have too much of a bitter aftertaste. I enjoyed this beer.

Beer 60
Countries 17
Continents 5

Cheers and more Beers!

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