Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to All

# 341 Fullers London Porter, UK - This is a nice porter with the good smokey flavor and a nice nutty taste to it. It is very dark and almost appeared flat as it had very little head to it.

#342 Bells Cheery Stout, Bells Brewing MI - This beer has a distinct cheery flavor to it that at first is nice but then becomes overpowering. By the end of the beer all I could taste was the cheeries. Not my type of stout.

#343 Widmer Drifter Pale Ale, Widmer Brewing OR - This is a nice ale with a good hoppy flavor and nice amber color.

Cheers and more Beers!

Less than 30 to go

#338 Edison Ale- New Century Brewing PA, This beer is very light and refreshing. Something for a hot summer day or after a nice hike.

#339 Leinenkugels Fireside Nut Brown, Leinenkugels WI - A nice dark brown ale with a nutty malty flavor.

#340 Winter Hook Winter Ale - Red Hook Brewing NH - This ale has a nice malty hoppy mix. It is a dark ale with very good flavor. For some reason I think this brewery is owned by one of the big beer companies but I am not 100% sure. I will look into it and report back...because I am sure you care. LOL

Cheers and more beers!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

337 Bottles of beer on the wall

Oh yeah less than 30 beer to go! What will my final beer be?

#335 Monty Python Holy Ale, Black Sheep Brewing NY - This was a good beer. I bought it just because I am a Monty Python fan and was curious. It had a nice brown color with good flavor.

#336 Brookly Brewing Black Chocolate Stout, NY - This beer was consumed while eating a nice NY strip steak. The dark chocolate flavor went well with the steak. This was a smooth beer with that roasted malt flavor that every good stout has. Very enjoyable.

#337 Bells Sparkling Ale - MI This beer was not as sparkling as I thought it was going to be. It has more of a Belgian ale taste that I thought was a bit overpowering. May just be due to the fact I was not expecting that flavor in this beer.

Cheers and more beers!

Beer, beer, beer!

Here are the next three on the list

#332 La Gunitas New Dogtown Pale Ale, CA - This is a very nice dark brown beer with a great malty taste. This is another one of those small shops that consistently puts out good beers.

#333 Winter Bourbon Cask Ale, Michelob MI - I forgot to take a picture of this beer, maybe it was because I did not like it. Not sure. This had a funky taste that I can't quite narrow down. This is a large beer company trying to make a micro style beer and it does not work.

#334 Dominion Baltic Porter, DE - This was a very good porter. It must be the night of big beer manufacturers because Dominion is now ownded by Bud. Luckly they have not forgotten how to make beer or massed produced away their flavor. I just wish they hadn't shut down their little brewpub. Oh well.

Cheers and more beers!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Longest name ever

#329 Founders Double Chocolate Coffee Oatmeal Breakfast Stout, MI - Yes, it does taste like breakfast. If you took coffee, chocolate pancakes, along with maple and brown sugar oatmeal you would have this beer. Full of flavor and possbile the darkest beer I have ever seen. This beer is really good and need to be drank in the middle of a blizzard. It will keep you warm and full. It is a meal in a glass.

#330 River Horse Triple Belgian Style- NJ - Be careful with this one because it has a kick like a horse. 10% alcohol content and full of that great Belgian taste. They brew it with yeast from Belgium to give it the authentic taste. They state that this beer will age well. I may have to put some in the closet and check back in a year or so. This is a very good beer from NJ.

#331 Duck Rabbit Brown Ale, NC - A very good beer with a dark brown color and excellent flavor. This has the hint of a porter taste too it that I really like. Again you cannot go wrong with Duck Rabbit Brewing.

Cheers and More Beers!

Getting ahead of myself.

I am actually ahead in the count now. I was quite a few beers behind but through some serious commitment on my part I have been able to overcome.

#326 Boont Amber Ale, CA- There sure are a lot of microbreweries from CA. This is a nice amber ale with good flavor that is both malty and slightly hoppy. Excellent flavor. It is amazing how many good beers the USA makes.

#327 Rogue Ale Santa's Private Reserve - OR This is a really good beer from a brewery that consistenly makes good beers. If Santa was drinking this at home I am pretty sure no presents would get delivered. Then again he doesn' t really have to drive. This is a very good amber beer with nice taste and a smooth finish.

#328 Hell or High Watermellon Wheat Beer - CA - This beer really tastes like watermellon. It is a little sweet for me, sort of like a watermellon jolly rancher, but if you like fruity beers I would say try this at your next summer picnic.

Cheers and more beers!

Claypipe, Dogfish Head, and Snowcap

These are all very good beers

#323 Claypipe Pursuit of Happiness Winter Warmer - MD - I really like it when beers have long and complicated names. It tells me that someone is putting a lot of thought into their beers and this shows that they care. That is probably the biggest difference between microbrews and mass produced beers. The microbrews care about the beer! This is a dark reddish amber beer with a great ale taste that is malty with a smooth finish. Very nice flavor

#324 Dogfishhead Chicory Stout, DE - Ok, this is one of my favorite beers. I have had this in the past and really enjoy it. Stout in the winter is probably the best combination I can think of. This beer is dark dark dark, with a dark brown head and a smooth but not too creamy finish. The chicory gives this stout a very unique flavor. If you have ever had chicory coffee from Cafe Du Mond than you will know what this tastes like. It is like an iced coffee beer but the coffee taste is not overpowering or burnt tasting like starbucks. this is good coffee! Drink this beer. Dogfish head brewing restaurants make this into a great black and tan with their 60 minute IPA. You cannot go wrong with that beer.

#325 Snowcap Winter Warmer Pyramid Brewing, WA - This is a dark amber ale with great flavor without a lingering taste. This is a very nice taste.

Cheers and more beers!

Bohemia Rabbit Ale

Just a play on the names of the beers that I am reviewing here

#320 Never Summer Ale Boulder beer CO - Most ales are usually light yellow in color but this one is a dark amber color and has great malt and hop flavor. Really nicely flavored beer that is not too heavy. I believe this is a seasonal beer from Boulder brewing.

#321 Duck Rabbit Porter, NC - I first heard of this brewery about a month ago and now I cannot get enough of their beers. Each one is well worth every dollar of its purchase. This porter is dark and smooth with a great smokey taste. This is a really good beer!

#322 Bohemia Clasica, Mexico - I really need to start putting thought into my beer order. Bohemia is a good beer but following the Porter it seems dull and flat. I will have to try this again another time to give it a fair review.

Cheers and more Beers!

Random Information

I was in the total beverage store today picking out the next 18 beers on my quest when it was commented that I had an interesting selection of beers. A conversation started with the 3 people in line with me where I explained my quest. They all thought it was a great idea and started asking me about the beers I liked. Come the end of the year I will produce a Top Beer list based on differnt types and post my suggestions. I will also post a list of beers to avoid.

It was also mentioned that it looked like I was doing ok on my quest and all the beer has not made me gain weight. I proceeded to mention that I have run 5 marathons (26.2 mile each) this year. If it was not for my running I am pretty sure I would have gained a good 10+ pounds. So my adice for all you beer lovers out there is to enjoy your beer but enjoy exercise too. The bottom 5 medals are from this year.

Cheers and more beers!

This is getting fun

These 3 beers could not be more different from one another (well they could but it just sounded right to say that..or is it "state" that as it was never actually said, but I digress)

#317 Big Hoppy Monster Imperial Red, Terrapin Brewing GA - This was very hoppy and red just as the label states. I really liked the hoppy flavor that had the right amount of bitterness without affecting the overall flavor.

#318 Starr Hill The Gift Winter Lager : VA A nice lager beer that continues to produce good beers. Before I started on this little quest I had never even heard of Starr Hill brewing and they are located about 2 hours from where I live. Act globally drink locally.

#319 ZYWIEC Ale -Poland - This is a very light beer that would be better enjoyed on a very hot summer dale. These types of ales are very light in color and in flavor.

Cheers and more beers!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Couple more

The next few beers in this journey.

#314 Bells Christmas Ale, Michigan - A lovely well flavored dark beer with a nice malty taste. Sorry no photo.

#315 Denver Pale Ale, Colorado - A very good ale with nice flavor. A light beer that goes down well. If you want a nice easy drinking ale this is the way to go..

#316 Flying Dog K9 Cruiser Winter Ale, Maryland - Dark brown malty ale with great taste. Flying dog makes some very good beers and they are local which is a nice bonus.

Cheers and more beers!

Seasonal Beers are here

These next three beers were quite strong but very good. It is a very fine line between stong alcohol content and too much alcohol taste. These beers do it well.

#311 Piraat Ale, Belgium - A lovely dark amber beer with great flavor and a nice malty taste. This is probably redundant and overstated but Belgian beers do not disappoint.

#312 Troegs Mad Elf, PA - This is a seasonal beer, of course with a name like Mad Elf, that is very strong. It is a dark color with a nice aroma that has a fruity taste. If you do not like fruity flavored beers this may not be for you as the taste can be a bit overpowering.

#313 Bornem Triple Abbey Ale, Belgium - Another very good beer with a nice smooth flavor. Also high alcohol content and should be sipped.

As the cool weather rolls around the darker winter beers come out. I really enjoy this time of year and look forward to all the seasonal brews.

Cheers and More Beers!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Three more down...ha thats funny

This is starting to get fun again. For a long time I did not want to write this blog and thought about quitting because it was annoying having to take pictures and keep track but now be so close I can see the finish line. It is just like a marthon. Long and slow but rewarding.

#308 Flashback Anniversary Ale - Colorado - This beer had a lot of flavor with dark golden color. A very enjoyable beer all around.

#309 Abita Christmas Ale - Louisianna - This beer has good hops flavor with a nice taste and smooth finish. Not too strong and not too light.

#310 Avery IPA - Colorado - This is an excellent IPA, fully of strong hops which give it a great flavor. I tend to like my IPA's very hoppy and this one fits the bill.

Cheers and more Beers!

Next three..but still behind

Next three on the list

#305 Oskar Blues Ten Fiddy Imperial Stout, Colorado - this beer comes in a can but is still really good. It has that typical imperial stout flavor. It is less creamy and has a bit more bite to it. I actually prefer the creamy stouts over imperial. they also have a tendency to have too much alcohol in them.

#306 Harpoon UFO Hefewizen - Vermont - So if you have been reading this for a while you know how I feel about Hefeweizens so in my Hefeweizen scale, which is not defined, I will call this one drinkable. Thats it. moving on

#307 Bornem Double Abbey Ale- Belgium - I have never met a Belgian beer I did not like and tis one is no exception. I guess having been to Belgium I think of waffles when I taste Belgian beer. Is that weird? I don't know but I bet this beer would go well with waffles.

Cheers and more beers!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Three more on the way to 365

All of you who might be worried, don't, I am not drinking 3 beers a day! I am grouping the beers in threes for ease of uploading photos. The photo interface takes a while and I also want to keep the blogs short. So rest assured I have not turned into a drunk!(yet)

#302 Hitadaino Nest Espresso Stout, Japan - This is a stout that felt more like a porter the way it flows over the tongue. You can really taste the espresso in this and it was almost like drinking an iced coffer. It was a good beer but a little strong on the flavor. Heck, maybe I should try it over ice. I do really like the little owl label though! If you get a moment and look at the microbrewery labels there really is some artwork out there. That actually might be a good book, Beer Labels as Art. Hmm? Hey don't steal that idea its mine. (I am sure I have nothing to worry about as the only people reading this are my friends)

#303 Blue Moon Belgian Style Wheat, Colorado (Fake micro made by Coors) This beer is very flavorful and has that standard cloudy look of a wheat beer. Probably would taste even better with a piece of orange in it and drank poolside.

#304 Simple Malt IPA, Canada - This was a very good beer if you like IPA's. It has a that strong hoppy flavor that I like. A really good beer.

Cheers and more beers!

The Next three and the magical 300!

The next three beers to make this list were all very enjoyable.

#299 SmuttyNose Robust Porter , New Hampshire: This is a lovely dark brown beer with a smooth smokey taste that I really enjoy. The cold weather really compliments this style of beer.

#300 Gulder Draak Ale : Belgium - This beer comes in a very small white bottle with a Golden Dragon on it and serves as a nice warning. Any beer from Belgium in a bottle this small is meant to be sipped and usually has a high alcohol content. this one tipped the scales at 10.5%. Just a quick word of advice, take your time. This is not a tailgate chugging, sunday football watching, crushing the can on the head kinda beer. Plus the bottle would break your skull. This dark amber beer and very aromatic and flavorful and would probably be really good paired with a nice steak.

#301 Moylans Kilt Lifter Scotch Ale, California - As a man who has worn a kilt on more than one occasion I was curious about this beer. This is also a strong beer with an above average alcohol content at 8%. It is very malty and quite enjoyable but I can see if you drink too many how you could be running around lifting your kilt.

I am over the hump now and only have 64 beers to go. This should make for an interesting holiday season as I try to keep on track and avoid a big weekend at teh end of the year.

Cheers and more beers

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Phillies win game 5

While watching the Phillies run away with a win at home against the Yankees in the World Series I had three very nice beers

#296 New Holland Full Circle Kolsch- This is a nice light beer with good flavor. New Holland continues to impress me with their beers

#297 Clipper City McHenry - Clipper City is a local, MD, brewery that puts out a variety of good beers. This one is called a Baltimore Style Ale which I am not sure what that means. It was a nice light beer. Something to drink at baseball games. Oh yeah I am watching one.

#298 Wild Goose IPA - A great IPA. I really like the hoppy flavor. This style of beer appeals to me but more so with warm weather. As it gets colder I drift more towards lagers and stouts. Maybe Wild Goose makes one of those style beers.

The USA really has a great Beer culture with a huge variety of microbreweries to choose from.

Cheers and more beers

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Weekend

This weekend I was able to log 5 new beers in an effort to catch up just a bit without doing myself in!

Saturday I had Beer #291 Old Dominion Oatmeal Stout - This is an excellent creamy stout that is not too thick. Quite a nice beer and perfect for a cold night. Unfortunately it was 72 degrees out. Who said Global Warming doesnt exist.

On Sunday I went out to watch the EAGLES pummel the giants. What a great showing. It was about time they started to play well. The bar we were at specializes in Eurpean Beers.

#292 Staropromen Pilsner from the Czech Republic - This was a nice beer with good flavor and not overpowering on the alcohol content. It was excellent with the keilbasa I had.

#293HB Munchen from Germany- Also a very good beer. Not too malty but relatively light.

#294 Franziskaner Hefeweizen - This is your typical wheat beer served with an orange which I do not like. If you like Hefeweizens you will like this beer it was better flavored than most I have had. After this year I will probably never drink a hefeweizen again.

#295 Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA - back at home watching the Phillies and yankees I enjoyed this excellent IPA. Nice and hoppy. just the way I like it. This beer makes up for having to drink #294. Great flavor, not too heavy, excellent amber color and no aftertaste. An excellent beer but I would not expect anything less from one of the most successful microbreweries in America.

Cheers and more beers

Beers 112 to 290

Just 75 beers to go and 61 days left in the year. Oh crap! I have some double days ahead of me.

Below are beers 112 go 290. I will post photos and go back to this later. For now I must start and 291 and move towards the end of the year or I will never complete this. Lesson learned, write as you go. Once you get too far behind you can never catch up. Oh yeah and I focused on the beer drinking instead of writing. Never good. Cheers and more beers.

Buffalo Stout
Chimay Blue
Delirium Noir
Delirium tremens
Grimbergen Dubbe
Ciney Blond
Kwak Brown Ale
Trappiste Rockeforte Dark
Union Dark
Union Regular
Lasko Dark
Lasko Lager
Floureffe Brune
Warsteiner Heffewiezen
Nastro Assurro
Bulldog Strong Ale
Witches Brew Golden Ale
Fisherman IPA
Hoptical Illusion IPA
Steel Head Extra Pale Ale
Titan IPA
Widmeir Hefeweizen
Weltenburger Barock Hell
Dogfish head 60 minute IPA
Unibrue 17th Anniversary
La Choulette Framboise
Trader Joes 2007
Snake Dog IPA
Starr Hill Pale Ale
White Hawk IPA
Yeungling Porter
Breugel Amber Ale
Chimay Red Ale
Dogfish head Raison D'etra
Dogfish head Shelter Pale Ale
Golden Monkey Triple Ale
Mission Street India Pale Ale
Mission Street Pale Ale
Petrus Blonde
River Horse Belgian Freeze Ale
Stone IPA
Troeggs Sunshine Pilsner
Stone Brewing Cali-Belgue IPA
Summer Breeze Kolsch
Bigfoot Barley Style Ale
Dead Guy Ale
Fire Rock Pale Ale
Mojo India Pale Ale
Blackberry Witbier
Coney Island Human Blockhead Lager
Dixie Blackened Voodoo Lager
Old Thumper Extra Special Ale
Dogfish head 90 minute IPA
RJ Rockers Bell Ringer
Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA
Guinness 250th Anniversary Brew
Coastal Flats IPA
Dominion Spring Buck Blonde Ale
Sierra Nevada Summerfest Lager
Stone Brewing Russian Imperial Stout
Trader Joes Bock Beer
Hales Mongoose IPA
Otter Creek Otter Summer Ale
Old Heathen Imperial Stout
Bells Oberon Wheat Ale
Blue Mountain Full Nelson Pale Ale
Souther Tier IPA
Penn Dark Lager
Anderson Valley Summer Solstice
Briand Belgian
Troegs Hop Back Amber Ale
St. Bernardus Triple
Gila Monster Amber Lager
St.Peters Cream Stout
Hobgoblin Dark English Ale
Tusker Lager
Starr Hill Jomo Lager
Sweaty Bett Blonde
ACME California Pale Ale
Hop -Ocalypse IPA
Troeggs Hopinator Doublebock
Troeggs Nugget Nector Ale
Yuengling Black and Tan
Steel Head Extra Stout
St.Peters Old Style Porter
Gearys Pale Ale
Diving Horse Pale Ale
Lefthand Ale
Weyerbacher Zoten Belgian Style
Legend Brown Ale
Old Speckeled Hen English Ale
Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout
Michelob Ultra
Bells Amber Ale
Mad Hatter IPA
Singletrack Copper Ale
Barons Black Wattle
Oranjeboom Lager
Lakefront Organic ESB
Shipyard Brewing OPA
Allegash White
Capital City Prohibition Porter
Hercules Double IPA
River Horse Ale
Hop Mountain Pale Ale
Southampton Double White
Neil & Franks Home Brew #1
National Bohemian (Natty Boh) Beer
Billy Goat Dark
Goose Island Honkers
Goose Island 312
Heilemans Old Style
Fat Tire Amber Ale
Goose Island Reserve
Goose Island Matilda
Goose Island Summer Brew
Blue Point Toasted Lager
Dogfish Head Festina Peche
Wailua Wheat
Backfin Pale Ale
Kelpie Seaweed Ale
Great Scott Organic Pilsner
Jumping Cow Amber Ale
Duck rabbit aber ale
Southhampton Double White
Holy Brewery Ale
Brooklyn Pennant Ale
Brew Free or Die IPA
Otter Creek Copper Ale
Clipper City Imperial Stout
Frank and Neils Beer #2
Old Dominion Octoberfest
Pelforthe Blonde
Otter Creek Octoberfest
The Raven Special lager
Sierra Nevada Anniversary Ale
Smutty Nose Summer Weizen Ale
Duck Rabbit Milk Stout
Coronado Golden Pilsner
Spaten Optimator
Southampton IPA
Victory Hop Wallop
Ohares Irish Stout
Stoudts Fat Dog Oatmeal Stout
Bruegel Amber Ale
Augustinj Ale
River Horse Lager
Victory Lager
Fix 1864 ale
Red Rocket Ale
Remarkable Vanilla Porter
21st amendment back & black IPA
St. Georger Fall Bock
Duck Rabbit Doppel Back
Brooklyn Brewery Reserve Sorachi ace Saison
Lagunitas Pilsner
Left Hand Depth Charge coffee Stout
Flying dog something
New Holland Octoberfest Stout
Hook and Ladder Backdraft Brows
Heineken Dark
Fraock Heather Ale
Troegs Dead Reckoning Porter
Coastal Flats Ale