Sunday, November 22, 2009

This is getting fun

These 3 beers could not be more different from one another (well they could but it just sounded right to say that..or is it "state" that as it was never actually said, but I digress)

#317 Big Hoppy Monster Imperial Red, Terrapin Brewing GA - This was very hoppy and red just as the label states. I really liked the hoppy flavor that had the right amount of bitterness without affecting the overall flavor.

#318 Starr Hill The Gift Winter Lager : VA A nice lager beer that continues to produce good beers. Before I started on this little quest I had never even heard of Starr Hill brewing and they are located about 2 hours from where I live. Act globally drink locally.

#319 ZYWIEC Ale -Poland - This is a very light beer that would be better enjoyed on a very hot summer dale. These types of ales are very light in color and in flavor.

Cheers and more beers!

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