Tuesday, November 24, 2009

337 Bottles of beer on the wall

Oh yeah less than 30 beer to go! What will my final beer be?

#335 Monty Python Holy Ale, Black Sheep Brewing NY - This was a good beer. I bought it just because I am a Monty Python fan and was curious. It had a nice brown color with good flavor.

#336 Brookly Brewing Black Chocolate Stout, NY - This beer was consumed while eating a nice NY strip steak. The dark chocolate flavor went well with the steak. This was a smooth beer with that roasted malt flavor that every good stout has. Very enjoyable.

#337 Bells Sparkling Ale - MI This beer was not as sparkling as I thought it was going to be. It has more of a Belgian ale taste that I thought was a bit overpowering. May just be due to the fact I was not expecting that flavor in this beer.

Cheers and more beers!

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