Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Three more on the way to 365

All of you who might be worried, don't, I am not drinking 3 beers a day! I am grouping the beers in threes for ease of uploading photos. The photo interface takes a while and I also want to keep the blogs short. So rest assured I have not turned into a drunk!(yet)

#302 Hitadaino Nest Espresso Stout, Japan - This is a stout that felt more like a porter the way it flows over the tongue. You can really taste the espresso in this and it was almost like drinking an iced coffer. It was a good beer but a little strong on the flavor. Heck, maybe I should try it over ice. I do really like the little owl label though! If you get a moment and look at the microbrewery labels there really is some artwork out there. That actually might be a good book, Beer Labels as Art. Hmm? Hey don't steal that idea its mine. (I am sure I have nothing to worry about as the only people reading this are my friends)

#303 Blue Moon Belgian Style Wheat, Colorado (Fake micro made by Coors) This beer is very flavorful and has that standard cloudy look of a wheat beer. Probably would taste even better with a piece of orange in it and drank poolside.

#304 Simple Malt IPA, Canada - This was a very good beer if you like IPA's. It has a that strong hoppy flavor that I like. A really good beer.

Cheers and more beers!

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