Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Weekend

This weekend I was able to log 5 new beers in an effort to catch up just a bit without doing myself in!

Saturday I had Beer #291 Old Dominion Oatmeal Stout - This is an excellent creamy stout that is not too thick. Quite a nice beer and perfect for a cold night. Unfortunately it was 72 degrees out. Who said Global Warming doesnt exist.

On Sunday I went out to watch the EAGLES pummel the giants. What a great showing. It was about time they started to play well. The bar we were at specializes in Eurpean Beers.

#292 Staropromen Pilsner from the Czech Republic - This was a nice beer with good flavor and not overpowering on the alcohol content. It was excellent with the keilbasa I had.

#293HB Munchen from Germany- Also a very good beer. Not too malty but relatively light.

#294 Franziskaner Hefeweizen - This is your typical wheat beer served with an orange which I do not like. If you like Hefeweizens you will like this beer it was better flavored than most I have had. After this year I will probably never drink a hefeweizen again.

#295 Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA - back at home watching the Phillies and yankees I enjoyed this excellent IPA. Nice and hoppy. just the way I like it. This beer makes up for having to drink #294. Great flavor, not too heavy, excellent amber color and no aftertaste. An excellent beer but I would not expect anything less from one of the most successful microbreweries in America.

Cheers and more beers

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