Sunday, November 22, 2009

Claypipe, Dogfish Head, and Snowcap

These are all very good beers

#323 Claypipe Pursuit of Happiness Winter Warmer - MD - I really like it when beers have long and complicated names. It tells me that someone is putting a lot of thought into their beers and this shows that they care. That is probably the biggest difference between microbrews and mass produced beers. The microbrews care about the beer! This is a dark reddish amber beer with a great ale taste that is malty with a smooth finish. Very nice flavor

#324 Dogfishhead Chicory Stout, DE - Ok, this is one of my favorite beers. I have had this in the past and really enjoy it. Stout in the winter is probably the best combination I can think of. This beer is dark dark dark, with a dark brown head and a smooth but not too creamy finish. The chicory gives this stout a very unique flavor. If you have ever had chicory coffee from Cafe Du Mond than you will know what this tastes like. It is like an iced coffee beer but the coffee taste is not overpowering or burnt tasting like starbucks. this is good coffee! Drink this beer. Dogfish head brewing restaurants make this into a great black and tan with their 60 minute IPA. You cannot go wrong with that beer.

#325 Snowcap Winter Warmer Pyramid Brewing, WA - This is a dark amber ale with great flavor without a lingering taste. This is a very nice taste.

Cheers and more beers!

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