Thursday, November 12, 2009

Next three..but still behind

Next three on the list

#305 Oskar Blues Ten Fiddy Imperial Stout, Colorado - this beer comes in a can but is still really good. It has that typical imperial stout flavor. It is less creamy and has a bit more bite to it. I actually prefer the creamy stouts over imperial. they also have a tendency to have too much alcohol in them.

#306 Harpoon UFO Hefewizen - Vermont - So if you have been reading this for a while you know how I feel about Hefeweizens so in my Hefeweizen scale, which is not defined, I will call this one drinkable. Thats it. moving on

#307 Bornem Double Abbey Ale- Belgium - I have never met a Belgian beer I did not like and tis one is no exception. I guess having been to Belgium I think of waffles when I taste Belgian beer. Is that weird? I don't know but I bet this beer would go well with waffles.

Cheers and more beers!!!

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