Sunday, November 22, 2009

Random Information

I was in the total beverage store today picking out the next 18 beers on my quest when it was commented that I had an interesting selection of beers. A conversation started with the 3 people in line with me where I explained my quest. They all thought it was a great idea and started asking me about the beers I liked. Come the end of the year I will produce a Top Beer list based on differnt types and post my suggestions. I will also post a list of beers to avoid.

It was also mentioned that it looked like I was doing ok on my quest and all the beer has not made me gain weight. I proceeded to mention that I have run 5 marathons (26.2 mile each) this year. If it was not for my running I am pretty sure I would have gained a good 10+ pounds. So my adice for all you beer lovers out there is to enjoy your beer but enjoy exercise too. The bottom 5 medals are from this year.

Cheers and more beers!

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