Thursday, November 12, 2009

Three more down...ha thats funny

This is starting to get fun again. For a long time I did not want to write this blog and thought about quitting because it was annoying having to take pictures and keep track but now be so close I can see the finish line. It is just like a marthon. Long and slow but rewarding.

#308 Flashback Anniversary Ale - Colorado - This beer had a lot of flavor with dark golden color. A very enjoyable beer all around.

#309 Abita Christmas Ale - Louisianna - This beer has good hops flavor with a nice taste and smooth finish. Not too strong and not too light.

#310 Avery IPA - Colorado - This is an excellent IPA, fully of strong hops which give it a great flavor. I tend to like my IPA's very hoppy and this one fits the bill.

Cheers and more Beers!

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