Wednesday, January 14, 2009

MYOB #6: Poker Night Beer Buffet


Poker night with the boys is always a pleasure because everyone likes good beer except for the minor PBR infraction. Nothing too crazy beer wise but a excellent selection of 5 different beers.

The first beer of the night was Pilsner Urquel - a smooth hopy beer with a golden color that goes down smoothly with a slight bitter aftertaste.

Next came Magic Hat Roxy Rolles - a nice amber ale with a spicy malty taste and a hint of caramel

Then Magic Hat Braggot Winter 08 - A darker more flavorful beer. It has a honey flavor with sweet malts and bitter hops.

After a sweeter beer came Sam Adams Winter Lager - This is another great beer from Sam Adams, one of the biggest craft brewing success stories, that doesn't disappoint. It is a dark brown beer with a hint of cinnamon flavor and some citrus afternotes. (man I sound snooty)

Finally, I finished the night off with Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Another great full bodied beer with a flavorful taste. I really need to learn how to describe these better...or you could just go out and taste them for yourselves.

Something weird I learned while writing this blog and checking beer sites is that you have to enter your age to verify you are 21 in order to enter the beer sites. This is only for US sites, which figures, we wouldn't want our kids looking at beer. Oh the horror!

MYOB Totals:

Beers 10
Countries 3
Continents 2

Cheers and More Beers!

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