Monday, January 12, 2009

MYOB #4: Engagement Party


When I arrived at my brothers engagement party I did not know what to expect when it came to beer. I actually thought it would be a wine only night and was not intending on having any beers. But to my surprise and delight the future father in law is Irish and the fridge was full of Guinness and Smithwicks. If I have to describe either of these beers you would probably not be reading this blog. Lets just say that Guinness is velvety darkness that puts a smile on your face as soon as it hits your tongue. It is my go to beer and what has made me a stout lover.

I can remember my first taste of Guinness at a small hole in the wall bar called Hennessys in Morristown NJ. It was 1993 and I was waiting for a train with two friends to head over to Arthur's for a steak. As the pub is under the train tracks they wanted to stop in for a pint. At the time I was not a big beer drinker and mostly stuck with domestic light beers (please don't hate me I was young and stupid). They both ordered a Guinness so I did too. My first taste did not leave a good impression but I stuck with it. After the second beer I realized this is amazing beer. By the third beer I was a devotee.

At the party, we were there a while, I consumed 3 Smithwicks and 2 Guinness. Thank you again to my brothers future father in law.

Year of Beer Total

Types 4
Countries 2
Continents 2

Cheers and more Beers!

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