Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MYOB #11: Spirits Crushed Again


This day started off full of hope and excitement and ended again in dashed hopes. Yes, I am talking about the Eagles. We never thought they would get this far this year but then to be on the brink and let it slip away hurts. Again. In the words of Forest Gump "and that is all I have to say about that"

We all got out of town and headed to Bethany Beach to avoid the Inaguration crowds. This day was spent enjoying 4 pints of Kona Brewing Company Pipeline Porter. This is just a great tasting beer that gives you a lot of flavor. It has all the flavor of a stout but the crispness of a porter and just a little kick of Kona coffee to make it unique.

Later in the night we had the chance to sample Samuel Adams Chocolate Bock. This beer is only brewed once a year and is issued in limited release. We were able to get it at whole foods for $15.99 for a 750ml bottle. It is not cheap but is worth it. It has an incredible smooth taste with just a hint of chocolate that makes it very unique.

The night ended nicely as we sipped the bock while dreaming of next years football season.

MYOB Totals
Beers 19
Countries 4
Continents 2

Cheers and More Beers!

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