Sunday, January 25, 2009

MYOB #13 Beer from France?


Apparently the French have a long history of making good beer but this gets overshadowed by some other alcohol making industry. I am not sure what that is but I will have to look into it and get back to you. :)

The beer I am sampling is Fischers Amber Ale. It is a great tasting beer with a sweet aroma, slightly bitter after taste and the color of carmel corn. I really enjoyed this beer and intend to try some other from France. When I checked them out online (see the link to the side) I was surprised to read that this beer has been brewed in France since 1821. This makes the brewery 8 years older than Americas oldest brewery Yeungling. I really need to get out more.

After the french beer I enjoyed a couple more Kona Brewing Pipeline Porters as I got caught up on Battlestar Galacticas Season 4 DVD, or as my fiance calls it the soap opera in space.

On a side note while I am writing this I am listening to NPR's All Songs Considered Pod Cast with Host Bob Boylan and Highly recommend it. He explores lots of interesting music every weak.

Cheers and More Beers!

MYOB Totals
Beers 20
Countries 5
Continents 2

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