Monday, January 12, 2009

MYOB #1 : Goals for the Year of Beer

While sipping a lovely pint of Unibroue Chamblay Blanche outside of Quebec, the best wheat beer I have ever had, it dawned on me that I drink a lot of beer. Shocking I know. This epiphany gave rise to the idea of documenting all of the beers I drink in 2009. This sounds great but is also a bit scary given that I will now have concrete numbers as to how much I drink in a given year. Thank god I did not decide to keep track of wine and spirits too!

So a few quick goals for the year are to drink a beer from every continent, if possible, and if my liver can handle it I will try and have 365 different beers. 

The journals will keep track of my drinking problem in vivid and often slurred detail.

Cheers and more beers!

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