Tuesday, January 27, 2009

MYOB #14 Schultz gets the blues and so do I


We saw a preview for this movie and thought this looked good so in the que it went. It's called Schultze get the Blues and is a bit fo a fish out of water story. Well it moves very slowly and ends abruptly. I do not recommend it.
While watch the movie I decided I wanted a beer but only had Pipeline Porter in the house and wanted to try something different so I could update the blog. After a little debate with myself I walked to Harris Teeter and bought a few individual beers. So I wouldn't look like a drunk buying 3 individual beers I also bought some other food and then headed home. I am not sure why I even thought about it and probably should not of even cared. I am sure in a few months I will just go in and buy one beer just to see their reaction.

The first beer was Harbin Lager from China. Yup China! It was a very light colored beer and I could honestly not even taste it, there was no flavor at all. I will not drink this again.

Disappointed with the Chinese beer I moved on to Red Strip from Jamaica. This had some more flavor but was not that good. These beers are just too light and lacking of flavor for me.

All in all a not so good movie and two not so good beers. Crap.

MYOB Totals:
Beers 22
Countries 7
Continents 3

Cheers and More Beers!

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