Wednesday, December 23, 2009

So close to the end

I am having a hard time deciding on my final beer. While I think about it here are the 4 beers before my last.

#361 Stone Brewing Oak Aged Arrogant Bastard Ale CA – Very dark, very flavorful and a bit bitter. This is a great combination and a great beer. The oak aging mellows the bitterness a bit and gives it a nice warm flavor. Oak aging has this same effect on Whiskey in case you were wondering.

#362 Nostradamus Belgium – Very strong very Belgian tasting beer. After a few of these you might be making crazy predications too! Beers like this require a good meal to go with it.

#363 Founders Red Rye P.A. Ale MI – This reddish amber beer has a very flavorful. The taste will last even after you finish the beer.

#364 SmuttyNose Star Island Single NH – Nice beer with a very orange color and great hoppy taste that is not bitter at all. Very good beer.

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