Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The big 350 ooooHHH

#349 Bells Expedition Stout – MI – Very Dark, Very strong. Must be a serious stout lover to enjoy this. This beer is smooth and not too creamy. It has the consistency of a Russian imperial. Very Nice.

#350 Stone Brewing Vertical Epic 999 CA – This beer is only brewed once a year on the date where month day and year match. Needless to say their will only be 3 more years of this brew. The beer is said to age well and can be kept on the shelf for up to 3 years. I have a hard time keeping beer around for 3 days let alone 3 years but maybe I should give it a shot. This beer is super dark and has a nice thick head. The flavor is very malty with some hops aftertaste. It is very enjoyable and should be savored.

#351 Black Toad Dark Ale IL- This is another dark beer with a malty flavor. Good flavor and a smooth finish.

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