Wednesday, December 23, 2009

More more more, I need more

#352 Amish Four Grain Pale Ale PA – This beer has an orange/amber color to it and and a strong hop taste. Very good flavor with just a hint of bitterness in the finish.

#353 Stone Double Bastard Ale CA – Love the beer, Love the label and the flavor is amazing. A great combo of malt and hops. Only down side is that it is 10.5% alcohol and will kick your ass if you are not careful !!! The bottle says “Ye shall know the bastard and the bastard shall set ye free” very true if you have more than one of these.

#354 Old Plowshare Organic Stout CA – This is a great beer that only has 3 ingredients, Water, Organic Malt and Hops. It has a great malty flavor that you would expect from a stout with a nice creamy finish. Even the head looks like whip cream.

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