Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Wow what a year of different beers! For my final beer I decided to bring this quest right back where it started with a Unibroue from Canada. I was drinking a Unibroue in Montreal when I came up with this idea so it seemed very fitting.

Beer #365 was the Unibroue Terrible Dark Ale on Lees- I had this one on Christmas eve with family and friends. Lots of pictures were taken and I proceed to host a beer tasting where I had 5 additional new beers. That will be a follow up post to this one. The Unibroue was a very strong, 10.5%, dark Belgian style ale. Its heavy on flavor and is super dark. It starts off malty and finishes with a nice bitter kick. It is a really nice beer and I was very happy that it was the finisher in this quest.

I promise to post some top ten lists after the new year and discuss some of my favorites. I have also decided to keep this blog alive and keep trying new beers, just not at the pace this year required.

Happy New Year to All!

Cheers and More BEERS!

PS. Yes, that is me in the photo drinking #365

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