Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Wow what a year of different beers! For my final beer I decided to bring this quest right back where it started with a Unibroue from Canada. I was drinking a Unibroue in Montreal when I came up with this idea so it seemed very fitting.

Beer #365 was the Unibroue Terrible Dark Ale on Lees- I had this one on Christmas eve with family and friends. Lots of pictures were taken and I proceed to host a beer tasting where I had 5 additional new beers. That will be a follow up post to this one. The Unibroue was a very strong, 10.5%, dark Belgian style ale. Its heavy on flavor and is super dark. It starts off malty and finishes with a nice bitter kick. It is a really nice beer and I was very happy that it was the finisher in this quest.

I promise to post some top ten lists after the new year and discuss some of my favorites. I have also decided to keep this blog alive and keep trying new beers, just not at the pace this year required.

Happy New Year to All!

Cheers and More BEERS!

PS. Yes, that is me in the photo drinking #365

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

So close to the end

I am having a hard time deciding on my final beer. While I think about it here are the 4 beers before my last.

#361 Stone Brewing Oak Aged Arrogant Bastard Ale CA – Very dark, very flavorful and a bit bitter. This is a great combination and a great beer. The oak aging mellows the bitterness a bit and gives it a nice warm flavor. Oak aging has this same effect on Whiskey in case you were wondering.

#362 Nostradamus Belgium – Very strong very Belgian tasting beer. After a few of these you might be making crazy predications too! Beers like this require a good meal to go with it.

#363 Founders Red Rye P.A. Ale MI – This reddish amber beer has a very flavorful. The taste will last even after you finish the beer.

#364 SmuttyNose Star Island Single NH – Nice beer with a very orange color and great hoppy taste that is not bitter at all. Very good beer.

Christmas is just around the corner

All I want for Christmas is beer 365!

#358 Anchor Brewing Christmas 2009 Ale CA– This seasonal beer taste like Christmas. I am not exactly sure how to describe it but definitely recommend it. It is really dark and has a great taste.

#359 Tyskie Lager Poland –This is a typical light lager with ok flavor. No picture as I was at a party and forgot to take one.

#360 Unibru Chamblay Noire Canada – This is a great tasting beer. It is dark and flavorful. The malty flavor fills your mouth and lingers there waiting for the next sip of this beer.

Only 10 to go

#355 Stoudts Winter Ale – A very flavorful amber colored ale with a nice flavor. This beer tastes like the winter holidays.

#356 Victory Yakima Twilight Ale –PA This is a really good ale with a strong hoppy flavor. It is has a very dark amber taste and a the strong bitter flavor of good hops. Victory Brewing is one of my favorite Microbreweries.

#357 Boulder Beer Cold Hop Ale CO - This orange colored beer has nice hop flavor and a nice finish. Well worth a try.

More more more, I need more

#352 Amish Four Grain Pale Ale PA – This beer has an orange/amber color to it and and a strong hop taste. Very good flavor with just a hint of bitterness in the finish.

#353 Stone Double Bastard Ale CA – Love the beer, Love the label and the flavor is amazing. A great combo of malt and hops. Only down side is that it is 10.5% alcohol and will kick your ass if you are not careful !!! The bottle says “Ye shall know the bastard and the bastard shall set ye free” very true if you have more than one of these.

#354 Old Plowshare Organic Stout CA – This is a great beer that only has 3 ingredients, Water, Organic Malt and Hops. It has a great malty flavor that you would expect from a stout with a nice creamy finish. Even the head looks like whip cream.

The big 350 ooooHHH

#349 Bells Expedition Stout – MI – Very Dark, Very strong. Must be a serious stout lover to enjoy this. This beer is smooth and not too creamy. It has the consistency of a Russian imperial. Very Nice.

#350 Stone Brewing Vertical Epic 999 CA – This beer is only brewed once a year on the date where month day and year match. Needless to say their will only be 3 more years of this brew. The beer is said to age well and can be kept on the shelf for up to 3 years. I have a hard time keeping beer around for 3 days let alone 3 years but maybe I should give it a shot. This beer is super dark and has a nice thick head. The flavor is very malty with some hops aftertaste. It is very enjoyable and should be savored.

#351 Black Toad Dark Ale IL- This is another dark beer with a malty flavor. Good flavor and a smooth finish.

Light at the end of the Beer Aisle

#346 Bells Third Coast Old Ale – MI Another good beer from Bells. The is dark ale is full of malt and hops flavor and goes down smooth. Very enjoyable.

#347 Lagunitas Pils CA – This pilsner beer is has great hoppy flavor. Very refreshing taste and a nice amber color.

#348 Laguinitas Maximus IPA – Super Hoppy beer. The flavor hits you as soon as you open the bottle. Really great taste but you must like hops!

Ho Ho Ho and away we go!

So close I can taste it. I caught a duplicate way back at number 269 so there is now two 343 to recover and may sure I have the right number of beers. This stuff happens when you drink this much!!!!

#343 Red Oval Lager – WI – This is a pretty light beer that I picked up at Trader Joes. I just liked the can and had never heard of it. Not bad flavor.

#344 Lagunitas Brown Shugga CA- As the name states this is a dark brown beer that tastes like brown sugar. It was too sweet for me.

#345 Mendocino Imperial IPA CA- A reddish brown beer with a nice hoppy flavor. The flavor can be a bit overpower though if you are looking for a more subtle flavor.

Cheers and More Beers!