Tuesday, March 24, 2009

#34 It has been a while

03/01/09 - It has been a while since I posted as work has been kicking my butt and when I get home I just did not want to look at a computer anymore. My descriptions will be brief as my memory is getting worse. I really need to stay on top of this!

Day before the Marathon and we are in San Francisco visiting a friend. We first went out to Berkely to hit Chez Panisse for an incredible lunch and then hit a locat brewpub for some beers. The place is called Magnolia Pub and worth a visit if you are in the area. We happen to be there on the last day of very strong beer month. They have a selection of homemade brews that average 9%abv and are delicious.

Sorry but I can't find the photos. Maybe the beer was too strong!

#75 Russian River IPA - A nice IPA that was not too bitter and not too light.

#76 Magnolia Cole Porter - This is a lovely dark smooth porter that you only dream about. It had amazing flavor with a dark brown head. I could have stayed at the bar and drank this all night long.

#77 Magnolia Promised Land IPA - Very strong, Very Bitter and Very Good.

Cheers and More Beers

Countries 19
Continents 5

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