Tuesday, March 24, 2009

#36 Drinking in the Woods


A group of us rented a house on a lake and spent the weekend sampling beers and wines.

Here is a list of the few that are new to my list.

#81 TommyKnocker Ornery Amber Lager- Colorado -A light flavorful beer.

#82 Heavy Seas Loose Cannon IPA- Maryland - A good IPA with a nice taste.

#83 Stella Artois-Belgium - Most people drink this due to good marketing but it is not a very good beer.

#84 Magic Hat H I.P.A - Vermont - A nice beer and true to their style has a very flavorful taste. It hints of citrus and has a good hop flavor.

Cheers and More Beers!

Countries 19

Continents 5

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