Tuesday, March 24, 2009

#37 Friday with Friends


Just hangin out with some friend I tried two new beers.

#85 BlueGrass Brewing Bourbon Barrel Stout - Kentucky - An excellent stout with amazing body and flavor.

#86 Ballaspoint Big Eye IPA - California - A very bold IPA full of hops with a strong alcohol taste and content. 7%ABV

Cheers and More Beers!

Countries 19
Continents 5

#36 Drinking in the Woods


A group of us rented a house on a lake and spent the weekend sampling beers and wines.

Here is a list of the few that are new to my list.

#81 TommyKnocker Ornery Amber Lager- Colorado -A light flavorful beer.

#82 Heavy Seas Loose Cannon IPA- Maryland - A good IPA with a nice taste.

#83 Stella Artois-Belgium - Most people drink this due to good marketing but it is not a very good beer.

#84 Magic Hat H I.P.A - Vermont - A nice beer and true to their style has a very flavorful taste. It hints of citrus and has a good hop flavor.

Cheers and More Beers!

Countries 19

Continents 5

#35 Post Marathon Beers


So it is just a couple of hours after the Napa Marathon and I am enjoyed a nice beer at an oyster bar. Later that night we checked into Pelican Inn which is the coolest B&B I have ever stayed at. It is just down the road from Muir beach and looks like it was transported from the English countryside replete with a little pub. They have a vast and overwhelming beer menu that would take many many visits to get through. I wish I was a local!

#78 Scrimshaw Pilsner - A light and refreshing beer. Perfect post race refreshment. (after the flight of Chandon)

#79 Meantime Coffee Porter -England - A nice porter with a solid coffee taste. If you do not like coffee you will not like this beer. However, I like coffee and thought this was excellent.

#80 Skullsplitter - Orkney Brewery Scotland - This is a dark brown beer that has a strong flavor. I am sure the name is due to its the high alcohol content. 8.5%ABV

Cheers and More Beers!

Countries 19
Continents 5

#34 It has been a while

03/01/09 - It has been a while since I posted as work has been kicking my butt and when I get home I just did not want to look at a computer anymore. My descriptions will be brief as my memory is getting worse. I really need to stay on top of this!

Day before the Marathon and we are in San Francisco visiting a friend. We first went out to Berkely to hit Chez Panisse for an incredible lunch and then hit a locat brewpub for some beers. The place is called Magnolia Pub and worth a visit if you are in the area. We happen to be there on the last day of very strong beer month. They have a selection of homemade brews that average 9%abv and are delicious.

Sorry but I can't find the photos. Maybe the beer was too strong!

#75 Russian River IPA - A nice IPA that was not too bitter and not too light.

#76 Magnolia Cole Porter - This is a lovely dark smooth porter that you only dream about. It had amazing flavor with a dark brown head. I could have stayed at the bar and drank this all night long.

#77 Magnolia Promised Land IPA - Very strong, Very Bitter and Very Good.

Cheers and More Beers

Countries 19
Continents 5